Learn to communicate in way that engenders positive and caring relationships!
Join our study and practice group, based on Marshall Rosenberg’s work on Nonviolent Communication (NVC).
The essence of compassionate communication (NVC) is
— To understand the source of our emotions
— To use our emotions to identify our needs
— To empathize with the needs of others
— To engage others with clear requests
Meeting location: Carousel of Happiness
Nederland, Coloardo (map)
Fall, 2017: We are taking a break from our regular meetings.
Please subscribe in the sidebar to get future notifications, or
contact us with questions. Thanks!
Drop-Ins are Welcome
Please contact us or stop by to find out more
Open to anyone wishing to improve their communication skills.
We will address real-life challenges.
The book Nonviolent Communication is available on the Reference Shelf at the Nederland Library (also see Resources).
Call 303-258-0134 or email us with questions or to confirm
(or text 720-310-0235).