Chp 1 - Introduction to Nonviolent Communication
Marshall Rosenberg, who started NVC, set out to discover why certain individuals respond compassionately even in adverse situations, while others respond with hatred and bitterness. He found many clues in the language people use in response to advsersity.
Chp 2 - Life-Affirming vs. Life-Alienating Language
Let's try to gather examples of life-affirming vs. life-alienating language.
Life-affirming language acknowledges or seeks to understand our needs and the needs of others.
Life-alienating language is judgmental, moralistic, denies responsibility,...
Chp 3 - Observation vs. Evaluation
Worksheet : Observation or Evaluation? Mixing Observations and Evaluations
Value Judgements vs. Moralistic Judgments
Marshall Rosenberg on Observation vs. Evaluation
Giraffe Honesty vs. Jackal Honesty
Chp 4 - Thoughts and Feelings
Marshall Rosenberg on Thoughts vs. Feelings
The description begins at about 2 minutes; at 6:05, Marshall gives a list of words that are not 'feelings'; at 6:50, he discusses being specific. At 7:10 is a list of examples.
Other People Can't...
Chp 5 - Needs and Strategies
Feelings arise from needs.
In NVC, feelings arise not from external circumstances, but from internal needs
Listen to this clip on 'The Cause of Anger' by Marshall Rosenberg:
Understanding our own and others' needs, the doorway of feelings.
Chp 6 - Requests vs. Demands
Alan Seid on Requests vs. Demands,
Here is a nice summary of Requests, in the Blackbelt Communication series (signup is required first) (video 3 , at 15:40-19 min).
What we need to manifest NVC and to develop mastery (19-25 min)
Internal clarity...