RMCCN – The Rocky Mountain Compassionate Communication Network – a nonprofit center based in Denver, CO, dedicated to the work of Marshall Rosenberg
Center for Nonviolent Communications – the international CNVC site
Puddle Dancer Press – a good source of NVC books and materials
Nonviolent Communication, by Marshal Rosenberg – text used as background for discussion. A copy is available in the Nederland Community Library. From Puddle Dancer Press, from Amazon,
Nonviolent Communication, Companion Workbook: A Practical Guide for … Study
Connecting Across Differences, by Connor and Killian – this text also provides excellent practical exercises
Resources and Worksheets
- Kathy Masarie’s Introduction to Compassionate Communication ** (from WA School Counselor website)
- Greg Kendrick’s Introduction to NVC (from
- NVC Overview from Ayahuasca-wasi
- Expressing Empathy (from
- Bret Stein’s ‘Basics of Nonviolent Communication’ (from Bret Stein, with permission)
- Assumptions of NVC (from Bret Stein, with permission)
- Key Facts about Nonviolent Communication (from Puddle Dancer Press)
- Quick Facts about Nonviolent Communication (from Puddle Dancer Press)
- Nonviolent Communication, by Wayland Myers
NVC Process
- The Four-Part NVC Process (from Puddle Dancer Press)
- NVC Process Outline (from Charles Wood; by permission)
- Misery Cafe (image) / transforming misery (image) (from NVC Workshop at Sosiaalikekus)
- How to Practice Nonviolent Communication – Wiki
Life-Affirming and Life-Negating Communication
- Communication Wheel (from Brett Stein, with permission)
- Language that Connects (from Brett Stein, with permission)
- Giraffe vs. Jackal Systems of Thinking, ** page 3 of Greg Kendrick’s Introduction
- How we hear difficult messages, page 4 of Greg Kendrick’s Introduction
- Pick your path – the middle way (from Brett Stein, with permission)
- Tunnel Vision (from Brett Stein, with permission)
Evaluating versus Observing
- Reframing Causal Attributions, page 4 of Expressing Empathy
- Turning Evaluations into Observations (from Brett Stein, with permission)
- Translating Alienating Thoughts (from Brett Stein, with permission)
- Thought Wheel (from Brett Stein, with permission)
- Mixing observations and evaluations (Word) (source unknown)
- Overview of observations vs evaluations (page 15ff; from Ayahuasca-wasi)
Feelings and Needs
- Feelings Wheels / Not Feelings: Version 1 / Version 2 *** very useful (PDF download, from Brett Stein, with permission)
- Needs Wheels / Not Needs: Version 1 / Version 2 *** very useful (PDF download, from Brett Stein, with permission)
- How the Feelings and Needs Wheels were Created (from Brett Stein, with permission)
- List of NON-feeling Words and Thoughts (from PuddleDancer Press
- Feelings and Needs List **useful (from Wiseheart)
- Basic Feelings and Needs we All Have (from Puddle Dancer Press)
- Feelings Inventory / Needs Inventory (from Center for Nonviolent Communication)
- Universal needs wheel, p. 3 of Expressing Empathy
Feelings vs. Interpretations
- Distinguishing feelings from interpretations (from Wiseheart)
- Overview of non-feeling vs feeling words (page 18ff; from Ayahuasca-wasi)
- Evaluations Masquerading as Feelings, p. 15, Camp Augusta Staff Manual
- Essentials of empathy (from Wiseheart)
- Empathetic Listening (from
Other resources
- NVC Apps for Smartphones
- NVC Academy of Online training materials
- Key assumptions of NVC, (more resources) from Bay Area NVC
- NVC-UK Resources Page – free downloads available
Reference Articles
- Basic pitfalls of using NVC – about bringing NVC into one’s life